How it all began

It all started with an account of hard-earned savings, a one-way ticket to SE Asia, and no solid plans.
I remember the feeling as clear as day. I was about a year out from graduating University, all interest in my degree was lost and I was simply getting through my remaining classes in order to obtain that very expensive piece of paper (I'm not the only one who felt like this, right?!).

I was no clearer on a career path than I was at the beginning of my studies and the thought of settling into a 9-5 job in a field I wasn't passionate about made me panic! You know those "what the hell am I doing with my life?!" moments? Well yeah, they had become a regular visitor in my thoughts.
I worked full time and saved all the money I could while finishing my degree. A few days after graduating I set off with a one-way ticket to Malaysia where my journey began.

From this journey, I learned so much about the world, about myself,  about my passions, and my direction became much more clear. Although sitting through the dry and boring business lectures at university didn't excite me, I had gained a lot of knowledge through my studies and sharing this knowledge and helping others achieve their business goals was so rewarding!
And so, Wandering Impulse was born! Wandering Impulse was created as a place for me to share stories and knowledge gained from my adventures, my love for photography and capturing the world's beauty, and my growing passion for design and helping other's make their brand visions and business goals a reality!

Due to the year that 2020 had turned out to be, and travelling around for the time being not being an option, I decided to use this time to concentrate on expanding my design and branding services and grow my business.
Seeing small businesses grow into their potential and thrive is an amazing feeling and being a part of that growth is so fulfilling!
If you're ready to take your brand and business to the next level for 2021 and far beyond, let's have a chat!
Let's have a chat is a sub brand of Wandering Impulse company. ©2020-2021 Brodie Jackson | Wandering Impulse
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